Saturday, January 23, 2010

Cash Bridal Shower Poem

PROCESS' Addiopizzo '/ Why should denounce the Mafia

"If I could go back I would do everything that I did not once but a thousand times, why pay protection money is against my principles and against the Christian religion I believe. Regardless of the outcome of the process I have no second thoughts. " The words of Rodolfo Guajana, courageous entrepreneur, should be written on the walls of the city of Palermo. It matters little, said Guajana that the four gangsters accused of having set fire to the store physically have been met. What matters is the principle and
symbolic content of the process. The process was indeed the first since the birth of the Addiopizzo, which together with Confindustria Sicilia Ivan Lo Bello launched a major offensive for the legality of employers and against the Mafia.
"Mafiosi in jail and more free enterprise, the decision shows that reporting is fair and appropriate way". The words of Antonio Montante, delegate to the legality of the president of Confindustria, should be written on the entrance gate to each business. In the South and also in the north, where the gangs are becoming more invasive. Denounce is right and fitting.


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