Reggio Calabria, December 27, 2009
" Twenty years from now things will not be disappointed that have done but those you did not do. So throw off the bowlines, abandoned the safe harbor, Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover .
With these words, the great writer Mark Twain summed up admirably the ideal of the American dream, using the metaphor of life as a journey to the perennial search for new challenges, new horizons, new conquests always, always new successes. A life of great satisfaction, but you will not ever encounter, but you have to look with courage and stubbornness.
This beautiful aphorism gives us an opportunity to explain in short, because the movement is born today "Novara" want to be and what its objectives.
First "Novara" was born in Reggio Calabria, but does not come "for" Reggio Calabria, in the sense that the operational scope of this movement is focused on the entire region. It 's a movement that comes from a long series of preparatory meetings in different places in our region, the meetings that have sought to involve so many that stand out from Calabria - and often excel - in a broad spectrum of professional, artistic and cultural architecture music, literature, information technology, from visual arts to poetry, from law to medicine, and so on in many different expressions of that culture and intelligence Calabria who gives so much to our nation that is little recognized and rewarded, being stifled by ' horrible everyday delinquent and unfortunately obvious emphasis that the media reserves the tree that falls in the forest rather than growing.
What do you want to be, therefore, the Movement "Novara"?
We want to try to become the opportunity for anyone who feels the Needless to say their views on critical facts and misdeeds of this region to have a voice, especially if the critics will have the ability to follow the positive proposal. We want and we will try to become the meeting point of all those citizens who are not resigned to being "dumb number" now as the political parties has reduced the expressions of civil society are not aligned.
Let us, in this sense, the appeal made by Pope Benedict XVI on the "serious moral decay in modern society, but also on finding the" climate of understanding contributes to the common good. " Let us therefore as a prerequisite of our action to seek a firm commitment to contribute to a substantial change of our country, starting with the essential values \u200b\u200bof ethics, law, justice, constitutional principles of republican, but repudiating violence in whatever form it manifests itself.
trying to shake the indifference and apathy of the many than the power of a few, considering that it is now essential to wake up dramatically, down to the street to a new era of civic engagement and politics with the "P" capital for a new spring that all players see the Calabrian honest, especially those who are disappointed by the political parties but feel the need and desire to do something for the common good.
to organize, and for those who wish to contact, of course we will use all means at our disposal, most notably the Internet is already an active blog at http://novarete.blogspot. com, we have created a discussion group on the internet which can be requested by writing to the inbox novarete@live.it, and we will soon be available on Facebook. Information call 3396244630 or 3293362019 to the President of the Movement Prof. Nino Spezzano.