Sunday, December 27 at 10:30 am we officially introduced to the press, the birth of the Movement Novara. The meeting with journalists is always c / o Teknè in the tunnel because of the correction, which saw the birth and gradually increase this ns. reality. It 'very important the presence of each of you, not for form but for the substance, especially for the prestige of the individual personality, which reinforces the project.
add, in reference to the areas that we talked about last meeting and we have identified the skills within the movement, which are always open and cross, and the need to identify new ones.
add, in reference to the areas that we talked about last meeting and we have identified the skills within the movement, which are always open and cross, and the need to identify new ones.
I could invite a lot of people in a larger environment, but I am convinced that many will join spontaneously when they take cognizance of the seriousness of the proposal will certainly not be a ferry for a fixer shift ... the confrontation will be first on the cultural and the potential dialectic.
In recent weeks there are reports of 'year is almost over and, as usual, give the Reggio Calabria and above all, among the last places in terms of quality of life ..... maybe c 'is to reflect on the "Model Reggio' much-vaunted. In each If we were not born to cry on, or, worse, useless criticisms, rather than to be very careful and proactive, with content and real alternative. But the facts will speak ...
Someone asked for a summary of what we are, I can say with very few words: we can for every one who wants to join the ns. movement, have a voice, especially if the critics will have the ability to follow the positive proposal, and not a number as now the policy has reduced the civil society.
There are many inconsistencies to the detriment of the latter, and the statement is also significant when the Pope said today that there is a "serious moral degradation" in modern society.
I believe that the first cause is their apathy and indifference of many compared to the power of a few. I think it is time to wake up, get out of apathy for a new season, a new spring, perhaps a dream .. however small, which may give better world around us and make nice, if not charming, spend our years in this land. If nothing else, we will be heard live spiritually and not one of the many-as would a dramatist ns. knowledge-'digestive tracts.
And just in terms of concreteness, actively and "Awakening", I am attaching the poster of the festival to be held the last week of December. Consistent with vs. commitments and chores and then I wait for the Sunday presentation.
This Christmas Day 2009, I greet you cordially and wish the best that I can do is this passage from Mark Twain, with whom I leave you:
"Twenty years from now you will not be disappointed the things you have done but from what you have done. So throw off the bowlines, abandoned the safe harbor, Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. dreaming. Discover.
Nino Spezzano
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