Monday, February 28, 2011

Ear Ifection With Blood

If I do not stop me stretch

I refer to nice picture posted by Malvino , (the protagonist, however, is dell'andazzo just one example) to analyze an issue not only mine. An idea that can explain even paler now, because I always paid taxes. Why did I stop with the red and orange and green up with. Why do I pay my own pocket travel, homes, cars, pizza, beer, caps and stickers. Because if a court summons me, squeeze my ass and I introduce myself returning any time social work in my current life. Because if I can intercept at most say that shit shot burst on the phone. Because I - along with a few more million Italians - they are flesh and blood of an 'anomaly. I represent the 'inexplicable. So I would need on a personal interpretation of a bill that would clarify because they are so stupid to still believe in the laws and the State.


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